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Make a Bowl!

Sue Stelzmann

Just try something new and get out of your comfort zone… that is the ideal frame of mind for creativity to spark. The Make a Bowl! events were just that. TCA hosted four free workshops in February and March with over 30 people registering. Over 50 bowls were made - and if the kiln goddesses continue to be with us - these will be donated to the 7th annual Empty Bowls Supper April 5th.

What was most interesting was getting registrants from connections on Facebook and finding new people who haven’t touched clay since high school. For some, giving up their new creations was challenging but all enjoyed a few hours of playing with clay and making something useful.

The green ware was bisqued and glazed using an “Irish Mint” Laguna glaze (shown here). You should be able to recognize these items by this milky grey blue and brown glaze. Another load is cooling in the kiln and will sport the “Rafia” Laguna glaze. Stay tuned for pictures.

Thanks to all participants and I hope to see you at the Empty Bowls Supper.

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