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Sue Stelzmann

Clay Arrives!

Tallahassee Clay Arts is here to make it easier to be a clay artist! By buying 6,000 pounds of clay at bulk rates, members of Tallahassee Clay Arts can buy 25# bags for $12 with their yearly membership fee.

After carefully researching clay suppliers, I selected Highwater Clays in Clearwater for their excellent clays and darn good price breaks. For starters I selected two mid-fire stoneware clays: a no nonsense white clay, Little Loafers, and for a little buff dazzle the Speckled Brownstone. Both go to the cone 4 to cone 6 range. In addition, I have White Earthenware that is best from cone 06 to 04 and the more flexible Earthen Red which has a range from 06 to cone 4! Check out Highwater Clay for specific on their clays. Hopefully this will appeal to a wide variety of you guys. We will make adjustments to our orders as needed.

Ordering clay is easy and this web site is set up so you can select what you want and pay with PayPal. Your membership fee of $25 ($10 for students) is good for a year. Once you place your order, we will have your clay ready for pickup at either my house or Gregg’s. And if you are a student at FSU - we can arrange a drop off at the clay center there from time to time.

Selling clay at club prices is one of the ways Tallahassee Clay Arts is bringing clay artists together.

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